Parasite Cleanse Side Effects
Parasite cleanses have side effects that can range from nausea to headaches…
When you buy and use a parasite cleanse product, be prepared to experience some unpleasant conditions. The following side effects are normal and actually mean that the parasite cleanse is working, so do not worry. We will give you some tips on what you can take to limit the symptoms and discomfort you may feel in this post too.
What are the parasite cleanse side effects from detox?
The side effects of a parasite detox cleanse comprise the following symptoms:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Food cravings
- Unusual thoughts
- Obscure dreams
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramps
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Skin rash
- Itching
- Fever
- Chills
- Joint pain
- Muscle pain
Sometimes, parasite cleanses can also lead to more severe side effects and in this case, the cleanse should be stopped and/or servings made smaller and spread out over a longer duration of time (14 days into 30 days of smaller serving sizes and off days) to allow your body time to flush out toxins as you may have too much “parasite die off” circulating in your body at once. More severe parasitic “die-off” side effects:
- Allergic reactions
- Liver damage
- Kidney damage
- Neurological problems
- Heart problems
Symptoms of worm detox are a sign that your body did in fact have them and that they are being removed from your body, hence the side effects.
What supplements or foods can you take to help your body with worm cleanse symptoms?
To ease “die-off” symptoms you may experience from a human parasite cleanse, we recommend taking what are known as “binders” or “chelators”. The purpose of taking “binders” during a detox is to assist your body in the removal of toxic load from the bloodstream and organs, which has the potential to overwhelm your body and make you feel sick. The goal is to remove these toxins from your body as fast as possible, and this is what binders will help you with. Binders are crucial to take when you are doing any body detoxing.
What supplements, foods, and binders assist with removing toxins from the body during a detox?
- Spirulina
- Activated Charcoal
- Shilajit
- Bentonite Clay
- Fulvic and Humic Minerals
- Zeolite Clay
- Chlorella
Here are some links to binding products below that will help you with detox symptoms:
When should I take binders to help with my detox symptoms?
You want to space out the time you are taking binders after taking a body detox cleansing product by at least 30-60 minutes after the detox product is ingested. Ideally, you want to take binders before symptoms start however it is definitely worth waiting to see if you even experience symptoms before taking binders. Do not over-consume binders as they may bind to other nutrients that your body needs. If parasite die-off or other detox symptoms are persistent and not subsiding then take another serving or more as needed until you feel more comfortable. If the symptoms are too much to bear, take 1-2 days off the cleanse.
Hi, today I received my first order of your product and I’m looking forward to using it. And thank you for your recommendations on raw milk, zinc supplement, and binding products. I have heard that we should also use a probiotic or similar products to remedy leaky gut after the detox. I am interested in your thoughts or recommendations on this? I can use help for choosing a high quality probiotic.
Hi there and thank you for your comment. The Raw Milk has plenty of enzymes as well as probiotics. It is a complete food. Each nutrient is coupled with its own enzyme to be most efficiently absorbed by the body. Please feel free to post updates here.
Can cleanse parasites be taken while doing an extended fast?
A daytime serving could be ok during an extended fast however use caution. I took it during a 3 day fast at night and it was too much of a shock to my system because the body is detoxing at night and adding a parasite cleanse on top of that can be extra taxing to the organs and dehydrating to the system. If parasite cleansing during a fast be sure to drink a lot more water to provide extra flushing of toxins and to support the kidneys.